TIME AND MEMORY Time is running and this is a cliché. But it is true that in a few years we are immersed in a world turned completely than ever before. As we did, just yesterday, when computers were not there, or at least were not as important as these are now, after all, for twenty years now? He wrote the same, it worked the same, did the same things (not necessarily in less time ...)... Of course a tool like the computer is now indispensable and useful (but think of when the power fails and we can not do anything ... or can not do anything ... everything we do is related to electricity .. ..) But it seems there are other constraints: read In recent days the risk that much of the memory and witness in our year is lost because it provided only to support telematics: in fact, not everything that is produced is stored, and therefore in the rehabilitation of costume history and lifestyles present there is a danger of ending up with a "black hole". Even as we are often latita memory (because it suits someone who latiti ...), and the story seems not to teach anything even when it is printed on paper (because no one draws more inspiration or not to be taken into account or not you know or are told that is not true). But the very real risk is that they then mail, SMS, Blogs futile, useless books and junk television what is left of these years ...