Sunday, November 14, 2010

What Can I Substitute Wax Strips

how long ....

Wow! I looked at my blog ... it stopped in February ... what a shame! but is it possible that I can not find the time to update it?? I play a "mea culpa" and promise to carve out more time for me.
Like every Sunday for quite some time now, it's raining! I do not want to spend the afternoon in front of the computer but I want to produce. I took small pieces of felt and I would punch a bit, also at the same time, I'm caulking of wooden shapes that a colleague of mine at work cut me (but to cut so many holes in it ... set me right in the middle! ! hmmmmmm ...... grrrrrrrrrr
!!!!) I want to make a garland, I only to design in mind, nothing definite .... felt like ... a project, an idea .... let's see if I can achieve both things.
are also anxiously awaiting my departure for Paris Thursday, destination fair Creations & Savoir-Faire. Everything is ready, air tickets, tickets to the fair, I also downloaded application on my iPhone with the guide in Paris and already fixed route .... we hope in the clemency of the weather ....

hours to produce wire now!
smack! smack!


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