Sunday, February 6, 2011

# I-catcher Consle - Web Monitor

Kobe crazy

Among various things that I appreciate, especially with friends, there's good food, and therefore also the grilled meat. Few things can compare to a thick steak three fingers (accompanied by French fries and washed down with a nice mug of beer, as the good Tex Willer) blood, cooked as it should.

Now that I know all the cuts the most "famous" Irish dall'Angus bison through our Canadian Chianina and so on. The whole meat of unquestionable quality, taste different, more or less delicate or spicy, depending on personal tastes.

But lately it is becoming fashionable - as often happens, almost exclusively because of its prohibitive price - the so-called Kobe . Urban legends abound, first of all that that the animal was fed beer and massaged with the same, a process that would make it very fat and tender.

last night talking with a friend who recently went to Japan, and it turned out that the vast majority of what you say about Kobe is completely false. Distorts the history of beer, distorts the history of massage, including the false story that the fat would be the result of an artificial and old.

This is a pure marketing operation, a voice that farmers in the region to put around Kobe to raise their animals on top of others, and to make then increase its price (which has been estimated, the butcher of Japan, about 10,000 yen per kilo, about 75 euro).

The beef is actually very good quality, but the fat present in amounts in meat derived from a natural ability to immaganizzarne in muscle, nothing more. Farmers then the task of following the animal's diet, according to very specific programs, up to three years, age around which was shot down.

Personally (I ate Kobe once, and not repeat it) I prefer the beef less fatty and more flavorful, but in any case we strongly advise against ordering the Kobe restaurant: overpay a steak that has nothing to envy our Chianina. And of course you would do well to take a turn around from restaurant owner who will tell you the whole story of massage with the usual beer and so on.

Still alive steak Tex.


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