Monday, September 8, 2008

Bulge And Buts Blogger

a joke

But then what a joke? For a writer is the daily bread, even if not so much as a writer, I would say, for a writer. In a novel, the joke, fast, crisp, even sharp, is not as essential as, for example, in a play or film, or in a balloon. I would say that there is indispensable, but this is also the tragedy of the measure. In that sense the danger in a context outside of which it becomes incomprehensible. Unless you are a genius, and "universal" in the sense that life has its own in any situation is repeated. This is the case of many jokes in films, for example, that simply repeat that they may have happened, but who have force only if they report directly to the scene to which they relate. Laughter citing Sordi says "Workers tie ..." , but if one does not know the scene in the movie (any?) May not understand. Now, even the impromptu joke, one that began for a speech, the same fate. The joke must be fast. The moment that comes to mind is already old, because in the meantime the discussion that generated it has taken other directions. Should be simultaneous with, get them to stop their context, fitting exactly where it was designed. A tremendous difficulties. If you arrive late even a few seconds to realize it necessary to repeat the situation, telling the context, prepare it again. Bankruptcy then the joke that needs to be explained. Sure, it can also be guilty of the listener, but also good joke should be transposed from the latter on the uptake ... Then one must also stop making people laugh, but he must do so "even", not "just". In fact, if this is satire, laughter should be tight-lipped ... It should make us think, but unfortunately this is another activity widely practiced ... Well, come to think of a joke is a serious matter ...


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