Friday, March 11, 2011

Low Hard Cervix After Implantation

Old competitions

soon after the holidays last year, we participated in a cute candy game organized by Sabrina : it was to send her a heart made with the technique we liked the most, and in return, we received a heart made by her. The hearts, for the uninitiated, are the passion of Sabrina, go and see her blog and you will realize it. It creates a beautiful and all different.
We, of course, we sent him two. Here they are, do you still had them show up. We have, however, seen on his blog because we have not told that, of all the hearts that have participated in this game, there was a winner chosen by the jury "popular".

From the time we received two beautiful hearts and Sabrina finally managed to show in all their glory. Congratulations Sabrina are really beautiful, thank you .... heart!


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