not know what to invent. I read tonight in the journal Andersen in October, a story picked up by the press . It seems that there is a computer program, invented by none other than a descendant of Charles Dickens, able to automatically process a novel, with only a few instructions: gender, type of history, names. And the rest is done by him, the "New Novelist". The system is based on the consideration that each story is built on structural lines are very similar, but suffices to mix them in a different way to get an original story. That someone has really thought about a kind of absurdity I am surprised to a certain point. I'm more surprised if someone really illudesse to compose in this way the masterpiece of his life. But then, considering many things, in the end perhaps do not even wonder: is yet another step towards the flattening of culture, to the approval to progressive inability to think for themselves, and indeed there is a danger that someone shouting to the genius, begin pouring out stories "written" in this way. Poor Dickens, must be turning in his grave.
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