Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Who Best Treats Bursitis


The new frontier of telematic mania is spreading like wildfire. It is not a site, not a blog, not a chat, not a forum. It is a hybrid of all this, is called Facebook and more deaths of a three-dimensional game of last generation. The mail boxes are overflowing with invitations to join, to become friends with someone already written a sort of contagion that chain letters if you dream of. Now you see people communicating with short phrases like "I'm going to lunch" or "I broke", with people who are in the next room, if not the same. The reason for this phenomenon in much greater detail and explain the most scientifically to what I can do, perhaps the only survivor still not registered, and fiercely determined to resist. And I'm not divorced from the electronic world, participate in forums and chat, I have a blog, visit the sites ... I just do not understand what function has this type of communication to those already mentioned, leaving a considerable space to a thought or a reflection of some more useful and thorough, and also, if we want and hope, the futility smart .. .


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